You will see and hear a lot about Eventotron during Leicester Comedy Festival & The UK Kids' Comedy festival!
Here's a brief overview of things Eventotron is used for:
- Registering venues & shows - Eventotron is where you'll sign your venue(s) and/or show(s) up to be a part of the festival.
- We use the information that is uploaded about festival shows and venues to populate our brochures and website.
- Editing your website listing - if you need to change something about how your show(s) is/are listed on our websites, Eventotron is the place to do it! You can find out more on how to edit your listing(s) on our Box Office & ticketing page.
- Getting paid for your show(s) - Eventotron is where you will input your bank details to let us know what account you'd like us to send payments to. These details can not be changed once they have been entered. Please let us know if you change bank as soon as possible.
- Putting your show(s) up for festival awards - when you register your show(s), you can select award categories that you'd like our festival award panel to consider your show for. This means they will try come to watch your show and it will be in the running to win an award. We can't guarantee that someone from the awards panel will be able to attend your show.
- You can let us know if you're happy for your show to be reviewed by the media - sometimes, the festival may issue complimentary tickets to members of the media who want to review shows. On Eventotron, you can let us know if you're okay with us giving them tickets to your show(s) so they can review it/them.
- Inputting accessibility information if you are a festival venue - there is a section on Eventotron where venues can detail their accessibility provisions. This is important to complete as it will inform attendees who may have accessibility needs which venues can cater for them during shows.